Wednesday, October 20, 2004

“With hand grip only…” -Beowulf

We’ve been keeping busy. Fortunately, despite the loss of our blog space, the majority of our busyness hasn’t been very noteworthy. Apart from work, class, conferences, and other such activities, most of our past few weeks have been spent on things like winterizing windows, ‘grappling’ with the furnace, raking, putting the garden to bed, attending a couple of Saturday rides, going to the Sogn Valley craft fair, and worrying about Dad (David). Heather had a birthday in there somewhere, but that day itself wasn’t all that thrilling. We did, however, celebrate the birthday that weekend at Benihana’s. I can’t be certain, but I’m pretty sure that amongst the tapping & spinning spatulas and frying foods, I could hear somewhere in the background an accented voice saying “tasty fish, tasty fish, poison fish.”


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