Monday, June 05, 2006

Advanced planning

Two events are are on the schedule for late September. I (David) figure that if I start planning now there is no way I'll miss them. Well, I never miss the latter event; the annual Nordic Roots Festival. But by planning now I may get a discounted pass. As it has been reported here before, it makes for a great time, and is worth any and all expenses. It allows you to hear great little ditties like this.

The other event, which I often tend to forget about until after it takes place is the All British Cycling Event. Also known as the ABCE. This year, I plan to have my latest British made machine there. Hopefully it will be enough to win a prize like for the 'his and hers' Heather and I had brought once before. These days, the event runs for an entire weekend. So there is a chance that I might be able to show off something else from the collection.


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