Monday, December 18, 2006

The aftermath

Well the weekend wasn't quite as social as expected. Still, it was nice to get caught up.

Friday did result in dinner with Andy. Heather, Quinn, and I met him at Yarusso's after he was done with work. Apparently we were a bit tardy, as Andy had already had a few before we got there. By the end of the meal Andy was doing an impression of Quinn, spilling food and wine all over his shirt. Before we called it a night, Heather was given the task of helping Andy with his portion of the bill and talking him down from a 90% tip to a more realistic 50%.

On Saturday, our plans to attend Tim's (and wife's) party went astray when the sandman came early and put all three of us to sleep well before the 7:00 start time. So all of our chatter about the last NASCAR season will have to wait until we invite them over to our place.

Sunday was reserved for Matt, but apparently Matt was thinking Saturday and told us of such, assuming that we check our voice mail on a regular basis. So we chatted Sunday, and postponed anything productive until Tuesday when he gets off work.

Nevertheless, our downtime over the weekend allowed us some needed house keeping; something that one must be diligent about with a little one throwing her saliva-soaked toys all over the place. So the trade off can still be called a good thing. I believe I had mentioned something about promising photos in the last post. I failed at this. But I assure you that by not seeing Andy in the state he was in, you are not missing much.


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