Friday, March 21, 2008

One month to go

Let the birthday party planning begin. Though we were hoping to limit Quinn's exposure to kids cartoon characters as long as we could, we're going to try to let Quinn pick her own theme and we're guessing there will be a toss up between Elmo and Thomas.

In recent weeks her love of characters has become obvious. One day she flat out stopped eating Yo-Baby which had been her favorite yogurt for a long time. Trying to figure out why she wouldn't eat it any longer was a little puzzling. Then one day at daycare she said yogurt and pointed to her friend's Trix yogurt that was a chartruese and hot pink in color. I then realized that she only wanted the characters on the side of the packaging. So, although she doesn't know anything about Dora yet, we purchased some yogurt with Dora on it and alas she's eating yogurt again.


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