Tuesday, May 31, 2005

12-year reunion

Bill, my (David’s) old high school classmate was in town last weekend (and the weekend before it). Andy attempted to coordinate a poorly timed meet up with the three of us on the first weekend, but it didn’t work out. Then Saturday afternoon, Andy called again and announced Bill was here again. Surprised to learn he returned from his home in Chicago after only a week (it turns out he had actually gone upstate for some fishing), I decided to cancel my plans for a Saturday night bike ride, and meet up with the old posse.

So I went over to Andy’s and the three of us, along with Ed (another Chi-towner) went to the Spot. Before long, Earnest, Matt, Shorty and selected spouses/significant others were there too. Darts were thrown, beer was drunk, Busch league was watched, and Andy & I were made fun of for being NASCAR fans. All in all, a good time was had.

With both Heather and I having to work on the holiday, Sunday was spent busily taking care of chores and other tasks during the caution flags of both the 500, and the Nextel cup. Even though it was the same track as the exhibition race last week, Martin wasn’t able to pull another win. He could have had a great chance to, but between the excessive cautions (which hinder his strength of performing well during long green flag runs), and one pit stop just as one of these cautions occurred, his window of opportunity was missed.

On Monday, I did have a little bit of free time, so I decided to check of the bat in the attic. Unfortunately it was nowhere to be found. I suspect that I am going to have to vacuum up the dung piles keep tabs on how they reappear. If it is hiding in one of those nooks that I can’t see into, then I may have to simply board it up and let it learn its lesson the hard way.


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