Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Na na na na na na na na bat man

The roosting rodents are back in the attic. Last year, we went up there one day to find little piles of black turds all over our back up carpet for the living room. After some deliberation, we decided the best course of action would be to grab the little winged bugger and bring it to a cave at Battle Creek park. The rest of the summer we went bat free.

Well now it is (or they are) back. And like another bad superhero sequel, it is full of all sorts of crappy material. If the thing wanted to sleep in the garage, or under an eave, then it could poop all it wanted and we wouldn’t care. It would still be doing us a great service in controlling the bug population. However, stinky-poo on the rug may qualify as a capitol crime for all those not cat, dog, tiny human, or drunken human. Or at least, given that I (David) am too lazy to repeat last year’s humane extraction service, I think this year’s attempt may include a harsh lesson such as: “If you want to roost here, then you have to know how to fly on a bright sunshiny day after you’ve just been dropped off the side of the Wabasha street bridge.” And of course, if the bat fails the lesson, then it wouldn’t be allowed back in the attic.

------------------segue line--------------------

Martin won! We don’t have cable, but half of us have the foresight to track down someone with cable and have the race recorded. We haven’t had a chance to pick up the tape yet, but mom (Jan) gave us a play by play over the phone of the last couple laps of the race as they occurred. It wasn’t quite as intense as actually watching it happen (nor will it be when we actually get to watch it), but it was still thrilling to hear. The lack of intensity will be more than made up for as his winning streak continues. Hopefully we’ll be all caught up on watching before the next race. We should have time for it provided that the bats don’t start reproducing.


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