Monday, January 17, 2005

No work

After the concert on Thursday, I (David) went home, closed the door behind me, and didn’t come out of the house for three chilly days. I’m glad I took a vacation day on Friday, as it was nice to spend so much time in the ever so comfortable 62 to 65 degree warmth.

Now, however, on the coldest night of the year, I’m stuck here at work during a national holiday; a time usually reserved for skeleton crew operations (yet for some reason management has placed less of a priority on this one). And though I’m glad to be receiving double pay for working during this time, I can’t help but wonder what my paychecks would look like if Dr. King had survived to bring his other, more labor-friendly visions to fruition. But alas, all I am left with is the small satisfaction that comes from being thrown a bone in celebration of his more publicized organizing efforts.


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