Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The wedding party

Last weekend was devoted to celebrating John and Kelly’s wedding with some belated parties. On Friday, dad (Jerry) finally got to see the house. Fortunately, he had been given a ticket to fly out here in first class. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to tolerate such a long flight. I (David) think I’ll have to give that a try sometime. After catching up with dad, Heather came home, and we got ready for the first of parties (more photos available on John’s blog). Despite the lack of deafening mariachi bands, we had a great time. Saturday was the second party. It seems that some of those who couldn’t make it to the first party were there for the second one (like JR, his growing family, and grandma Ruthie). Apparently Dr. Wainwright Jr. Esq. was at the Friday party as well as Saturday’s, but he arrived Friday after we left.

Joel said that he is thinking of joining a band in Chiapas, but all they have there are ska bands. I write this while taking a break from my first attempt at writing lyrics (for a ska band, of course) since the mid 1980s. Back then, my original first attempt at lyric writing (modeled after top 40 hits of that era) was quickly drug through a vast open field of public shame by Joel, John, and one or two others. Apparently, my interpretation of top 40 material was far cheesier than the pop music alternatives (with writers such as the Cure’s Robert Smith) that they were switching over to. So if Joel joins a band, and I learn Spanish, it would be interesting to see how our modern lyrical content might compare.


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