Tuesday, March 07, 2006

March 7th

A few updates: My (David's) neck pain was diagnosed as tendonitis; most likely the result of accordion playing... Last night Matt and I went to the Sibley Bike Depot. Matt bought a winter beater (to finish the season on) and I scored a cool German coaster brake hub for my next project. The bad news was that the new director confiscated my key. Now I feel a bit naked without my 24 hour security blanket.

Today's date marks two occasions. The first is Dad's (Skelton) birthday. If he had a computer (and connection) he'd be able to read: “Happy Birthday Dad! Heather and I are doing well, and the grandchild is kicking like Pelé.”


The second occasion is your precinct caucus. It's fun; you get to argue with your neighbors and they can't call the cops on you for it. Give it a try!


Blogger Nathan said...

Well, if you'd stop stealing their money they'd probably have let you keep the key. That was a joke, btw. No winky-face, though, because it's a serious situation and I don't want people gettin' the wrong idea about me...

How did you come to have a key in the first place? And, how did they find out about it?

Caucuses are probably the best reason to join a political party. Problem is I don't like any of 'em enough to make the commitment. D'oh!

11:59 AM  
Blogger hands said...

I was given a key back in the day when I did enough volunteer work to warrant having 'round-the-clock access.

They've always know about it (but lost track during the administrative change). They were re-awaken to it when I suggested that I leave a payment for the hub on the following day so that John Carlson wouldn't have to go make change for my $20.

I'm not a big party person either. I just go to the caucus of the party that draws the biggest numbers, and then grin and bear it. Somehow they got me to be a delegate this time though; I wanted to have a voice in who gets a certain county seat (I don't like the platform of this guy --> http://garydeyoung.com/conservation ).

2:20 AM  

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