Saturday, January 06, 2007


An annoying little bug has invaded the Skelton household this week causing runny noses all around. More of an annoyance than anything, this cold has made its rounds starting with Quinn earlier in the week and hitting us just in time for the weekend. Why is it that many a weekend has been ruined by an illness? Why can't these little bugs invade our bodies during the week so we have an excuse to get out of work?

On top of Quinn's runny nose, she has been teething for the last couple of weeks too. Poor child! It's just one blow after another. What's next? A first ear infection?

Despite the illnesses, a few good things have happened this week. Faith passed her driver's test! Congratulations! Also, a former high school classmate and I also reconnected. She and I have found out that we have been living parallel lives. The amount of things that we have in common is uncanny!

Next week David is off for a few days. He's planning to take advantage of this by finding some new activities to enjoy with Quinn. Perhaps a puppet show at the Central Library, storytime at the Red Balloon, or perhaps a trip to MOA to see Underwater World.


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