Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hostile Takeover

Tuesday was absolutely gorgeous. It was 44 degrees for a high. I (Heather) did not don a coat, hat, gloves, or gator all day. What a treat it was! Due to the unseasonable warmth, a lot of the recent snow pack that had accumulated melted away. Upon arriving home from work I noticed the puddles forming on the sidewalk. However, the next morning while heading out to work, I had forgotten about the puddles and the fact that it was now 20 degrees colder and all the previous day’s melt had turned to ice. I stepped off the back stair and suddenly I found myself airborne and then flat on my back staring up at the stars. Luckily I had my bags in my hands so I didn’t try to catch myself with my arms (hand/arm/wrist injuries are always in the back of an interpreter’s mind). I managed to get vertical again and made my way inside. My spine was no longer in line and I found myself favoring my right side and was unable to comfortably stand up straight.

After taking a day to recover, I returned to work, only to walk into our office and find it bare. My desk was gone as was most of the other furniture. Later I found out that our beloved office space was being taken over by the EBD (Emotionally and Behaviorally Disturbed) program to be used as an ISS (In School Suspension) room. Turns out the EBD kids are just so disturbing that they bother the kids in the regular ISS room. Realizing that I no longer have a home, I might go look for the nearest broom closet to take my breaks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spent a lot of time in ISS in High School (this was exceptionally disturbing to the school administration on the days that there was a wrestling match or a soccer game and I had my cheerleading uniform on...with "captain's stars"). Anyhow, I don't remember seeing any of the EBD kids- presumably because they, too, were in a different room down the hall. And hey, I hope your back is better. Sounds like a nasty spill. (Do you think losing the room has something to do with back problems? Hmmm, that sounds like a nice juicy conspiracy theory to me)

The exam went "well". In all honesty I have no idea how it went because I still await the results. Ah well, I've got plenty of other things to keep me busy.

I liked your perspective re: the personal utopia and changing one's focus from us to I and need to want. The only tricky thing is trying to walk the fine line between living with a perspective as being a part of a unit or system and living as an individual autonomous being. It's a gray area that confuses me more often than not.

(P.S. there's no button for "cents" and it took me longer than not to figure that one out.)

Say hi to David for me.

9:38 PM  

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