Tuesday, August 15, 2006

A 24/7 cycle

It's back to work. Heather has been back for the whole month. I however, just returned to work yesterday. So we have finally had a chance to experience our master plan of being 2 working parents with no regular day care. It would seem though that yesterday ought not be used as a measuring stick. Between the trip to the Como carousel, Quinn's afternoon with grandma and great-grandma, and the trip to the ranch to see auntie Faith's horse, it ended up being a bit different than how we had envisioned things. Plus, I still have a bit of sleep to catch up on. Regardless, it would appear that we are capable of pulling it off. We suppose that it will just be a matter of time before we know how much we like the arrangement though.

Guess what, for all the people who come here linked through bike blogs, there is finally some bike related content: I've decided to no longer shop at the "Bicycle Chain" store in Roseville. I went there some time ago for (of all things) a bicycle chain, and learned that an old classmate of mine worked there. So I had decided to make it my new home for first-hand non-specialty bike parts. But now, after having a bad experience with low quality bike parts and an unsatisfactory return policy, I have changed my mind. This is not to say they are a bad store, it's just the realization that the industry is set up in such a way that stores like this can't make it in this marketplace anymore. It's either department stores, warehouses, or specialty retailers. The utilitarian bicycle store just doesn't have much utility anymore.

Also, look for future bike content that includes the custom Quinn-wagon, and my (hopefully) completed Raleigh roadster-type bike.


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