Saturday, July 28, 2007


Being the Norse cyclist that he is, I (David) didn't question Whitebread when he claimed that he was capable of riding while intoxicated. When we finally left the bar, he was riding the single speed that I had lent him. After crashing it twice, I thought maybe he would fair better on the Frankenschwinn with all of its British styling that he was used to. When he crashed that one, I insisted he ride the single speed again for the remaining two crashes before we made it home. I had to wrap him in gauze before I'd let him sleep on the linen sheets of our guest bed.

Had the buses not stopped running by that hour, or had he not spent the last of his American dollars, and potential cab fare, buying rounds for the bar (an act which I defended to any would-be bouncers as something not of a crazy drunk, but as a man who misses his favorite American dive bar), then perhaps an alternative could have been considered. But at least it will make for a good drinking story should he get deported from Norway and return to town again.


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