However, there are ballot questions this year. The State's constitutional amendment and Saint Paul's levy question both deal with money. And though I have opinions on these matters, I'm not going to try to change anyone else's.
For Minneapolis, on the other hand, they've got a doozy of a ballot question:
Should the City of Minneapolis adopt Single Transferable Vote, sometimes known as Ranked Choice Voting or Instant Runoff Voting, as the method for electing the Mayor, City Council, and members of the Park and Recreation Board, Library Board, and Board of Estimate and Taxation without a separate primary election and with ballot format and rules for counting votes adopted by ordinance?
This is one that EVERY RESIDENT should be out there voting YES on, regardless of what else you do or don't want to vote for. Even if you always follow a strict partisan ballot selection, in the interest of fair elections, you NEED to vote YES on this for your fellow citizens of Minneapolis (Not only for them, but you need to lead the way for us Saint Paul-ites). So go out there and vote “yes”. If you don't, I will personally come over there and put a cassette on your fixed-gear bike.