Tuesday, November 27, 2007

30 days hath September, April, June and November.

When I was growing up, time seemed to sometimes go by agonizingly slow especially when I was waiting for something big to happen...a birthday, holiday or summer break. Adults always told me that time would go by faster as I got older. Especially since having a child of my own, I have noticed time seems to be going by faster than it ever has before. I feel like I blinked once and this month was gone.

Because of this, I have started to rethink how I am living my life. I have learned that if you pay attention and live in the moment that time slows down. In order to be able to take the time to do this, I realized that the organized chaos way of living was taking that precious time away from me. So, I have been trying to rid myself of the chaos. Though, this is a very slow process and I have experienced some bumps in the road along the way, it's a work in progress. My goal this winter is to go through a box a week from the attic. I could just throw them out since many things I haven't seen since we moved into our house almost 4 years ago so I doubt I would miss them. But, I'm not quite at that point.

The other part that I want to tackle is something I learned while watching Oprah; the acronym "O.H.I.O"...Only Handle It Once. The chaos is a lot easier to manage if it is only dealt with once...whether it is going through mail, putting away laundry, or filing away important papers.

Another way to give me more time to enjoy things is a monthly cleaning service. That way, we can have someone else take care of those more tedious chores that often demand our precious time. Thanks dad for helping out with that! (And also thanks for the new upgrades to our house. We are loving everything.)

As our house continues to come together, I am proud of what has been accomplished over the years. At this rate, we have grown so much into our home that we will probably be here a long long time.