Monday, July 30, 2007

Dump run

It's time once again to dump the contents of my phone...

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Being the Norse cyclist that he is, I (David) didn't question Whitebread when he claimed that he was capable of riding while intoxicated. When we finally left the bar, he was riding the single speed that I had lent him. After crashing it twice, I thought maybe he would fair better on the Frankenschwinn with all of its British styling that he was used to. When he crashed that one, I insisted he ride the single speed again for the remaining two crashes before we made it home. I had to wrap him in gauze before I'd let him sleep on the linen sheets of our guest bed.

Had the buses not stopped running by that hour, or had he not spent the last of his American dollars, and potential cab fare, buying rounds for the bar (an act which I defended to any would-be bouncers as something not of a crazy drunk, but as a man who misses his favorite American dive bar), then perhaps an alternative could have been considered. But at least it will make for a good drinking story should he get deported from Norway and return to town again.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tomato Stealers

Tuesday we made a mental note to harvest 3 tomatoes that have recently ripened to a nice shade of red. Unfortunately, yesterday morning as I (Heather) was leaving for work, we saw a squirrel trying to run under the fence with the biggest tomato in his greedy little mouth. We've had this happen in years past and still don't quite understand why the squirrels insist on stealing our produce when they tend to take one bite and then leave the remaining part abandoned somewhere in our yard. A note to our neighborhood squirrels: when you leave a partially eaten piece of fruit or vegetable, we find this a bit insulting as we would prefer that if you insist on stealing our food that you go ahead and eat the entire thing. You see, once you've taken a bite, we no longer want it either. We find your habits to be just downright wasteful.

After harvesting a smaller tomato, we put it on our table to enjoy later. However, Quinn had other ideas. When she sat down for dinner, I turned my back for a few seconds and when I turned around, she had the tomato in her hand and was eating it like an apple! She didn't manage the skin too well, so I peeled it for her and she ate the whole thing! I guess she takes after David who has been known to do the same thing. Unlike me, I didn't start liking tomatoes till I was an adult.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue

Something Old:
This may not sound very nice, but rest assured my dad approved of the first part of this topic...he's the "something old." Dad came to visit and worked on projects from the moment he arrived. Though he was busy, we found time for fun too. We saw George Thorogood at the Taste of Minnesota, went to Elko to watch the car races, went to the Velodrom to watch bicycle races, and went to the Como Zoo and Saturday Live with Quinn. He also went to the back to the 50's car show with Nan and Peter. We are so appreciative of all the things he did for us to make our home more comfortable and appealing.

Something New:
In ECFE, we've learned that as infants develop they tend to focus on one area of development at a time. Having gone through emotional, social and physical phases, it would appear that Quinn's working on language now. She has learned to use some new words and signs. She says "ball", likes to say "Hi" to everyone and is working on saying "all done." She formed her first simple sentences too by saying "Hi dog" and "Hi Dad." In addition to the signs she already knows, she also started signing "bed", "more", "dada", "mama", "monkey" and "pacificer" all within the last week. She also signed "all done," "bath," and "bed" in succession as you can see in this short video.

Something borrowed:
Thanks to Peter and our neighbor John, we were able to borrow some of the tools we needed for dad's projects.

Something blue:
Quinn is also learning colors. Dad asked her to bring him a blue ring from her rainbow stacking toy and she was able to pick out the blue one from all the other colors.

To finalize the theme for this blog, we celebrated our 4th anniversary a few weeks ago. We enjoyed our annual overnight stay at the Covington Inn. Thanks to mom for watching Quinn all night for us.
