Monday, September 24, 2007

Robot Wars

The weekend's big event was the Battle Royal of the toy robots. Here is a peek at the three finalists for this year's title winner...




All three were put in the ring. After several minutes, it appeared that none of the robots were making a significant advancement. So a late entry was allowed to participate in the battle, and carnage ensued...


After mere seconds, the far superior "Quinn-bot" was declared the grand champion.

Here is the Quinn-bot doing its victorious "Dizzy Dance":

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another Anniversary

It appears that many of our friends and aquaintances have dating anniversaries this month. Well, we do too. September 25th will be our (fill in the blank) dating anniversary. If you have a guess which number it is, let us know.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Keeping track of recalled products is enough to make a person's head spin. Since Quinn was born, I (Heather) have kept an ongoing list of all the toys and products we have bought or received for her. I log the manufacturer information, product numbers, where and when it was purchased.

Though none of the toys manufactured in China tainted with lead have found their way into our home (at least not yet), we returned a rattle from Target that had been recalled due to small parts that can break off and become choking hazards. We also have some vinyl bibs that we plan to return. Though the brand we have was not recalled as of yet, a smiliar brand was because the vinyl contains lead that apparently only becomes a hazard when the material breaks down.

On the news today I heard them mention that China has agreed to stop using lead paint in toys shipped to the US. You would think that would have been an agreement made when the US companies decided to ship their production overseas.

The news also warned that although the stores are pulling these products from their shelves, there's no way to have this type of accountability for second hand stores like Goodwill and Once Upon a Child. So, the products may still end up in homes.

While shopping at the Apple Valley Goodwill store a few weeks ago, I snapped this lovely photo that was printed on a toy...

If there aren't more stringent rules and regulations about controlling or eliminating harmful chemicals that make their way into our children's bodies through toys, food, water supply, etc., who knows what kind of mutations their kids and several generations beyond will have. 18 mouths....perhaps!?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Parenting tip...

Everything You Need To Know About Parenting You Can Learn From Roseanne:

I (Heather) always wondered whether we would end up parenting like the Cosby's or the Connor's. I think we have found ourselves at a happy compromise between the two.

The other day I caught a rerun of Roseanne. Darlene and Becky were trying to calm a baby that they were babysitting. Dan enters and determines right away that the baby is fussing because he is teething and in pain and asks for a frozen waffle. He gives it to the baby and says that the cold waffle helps the gums feel better and all the grooves catch the drool. Since Quinn doesn't like any of the typical recommended teething comforts, I kept that in the back of my mind for the next time Quinn started teething.

In the last week, a new tooth emerged and two more are about to break through. She has been miserable. So, we tried the waffle trick. She liked them so much she said "mmmm" and "more." Several mini-waffles later she was back to her happy playful self again.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

New Shoes!


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A long drive

Labor Day weekend, a time for family and celebration.

In between numerous bouts of long drives, celebrating with family was definitely the theme for our weekend.

Our main event for the weekend was joining family in Duluth to celebrate the life of Uncle Bob. As new parents, we often hear that a measure of one's success in life is not through any possessions or careers, but rather through the character and values that develop in one's children. Envisioning the tasks and tools required to achieve such a success with our own offspring can be a terribly intimidating vision. How Uncle Bob and Aunt Pat were able to pull it off with their own six children and have the success sustained through to another generation of countless grandchildren, is amazing to extremes of impossibility. There is not one of Uncle Bob's decedents that fails to be a model of a respectful, creative, and intelligent citizen. There was no question on Saturday that Bob will be missed; most notably by our beloved Aunt Pat, who has our additional sympathies for her recent surgery.

Uncle Bob holding Quinn

On either side of our time in Duluth, was our visit to Three Lakes WI with family and friends of the family. Though our visit was somewhat abbreviated, we always welcome the opportunity to enjoy the company, the serenity, the setting, the lake, and a few breaths of fresh air (not to mention Heather's ride on the legendary Garwood).
