Wednesday, May 30, 2007


We see you too.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Stick a fork in it

On Saturday, while we were eating lunch, Quinn started fussing. She was eating the same thing we were eating, so we realized it couldn't be envy for our food. I (Heather) realized that she was staring at my spoon as I put it in my bowl and in my mouth. Could she possibly want her own utensil, I wondered. So I handed her a kid-size fork and she knew just what to do with it, though she needed a little help to get the food on the fork.

Later in the day, Quinn, David and I went to Blaine's Velodrome for some good old bicycle track racing. This was a first for all of us. David enjoyed the races, though he seemed more interested in meeting up with old friends (and the fact that there was beer and cheese sticks there) than in actually watching the races. I on the other hand, really enjoyed the racing. Watching people go fast and turn left seems to come as a natural form of entertainment for me. Between NASCAR, speed-skating, and now bike track racing, I can't help but find them all entertaining. Quinn, however, lost interest after watching about two laps around the track. She was more interested in running down the grassy hill nearby. After a while she lost patience with that too and we decided that we should leave the race early though we would have rather stayed.

By the way Little Guy Racing Team...though Quinn was wearing a U of M sweatshirt, rest assured she was not rooting for their team.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Quinn's first painting

She skipped finger painting all together and moved up to a paint brush to make Mommy a special gift for mother's day while at daycare.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I knew there was another "first" to be added to the previous post, but what it was specifically had escaped me at the time I wrote it. Monday was Quinn's first day of daycare. Previously, she has had the occasion during the week to be under the watchful eye of either Christine or grandma Nan, but now she is institutionalized. In the past, it was often a bit of a challenge to say goodbye to her when dropping her off. On Monday however, both Heather and I felt sick after leaving our screaming, teary-eyed, little one with the teachers at her school.

Still, she seems to be adjusting well, except for her inability to be content with suggested activities. I'm sure she'll get the teachers to adapt to her learning style before too long.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The book of "firsts" grows bigger

Not only does young Quinn get to make entries in the book, so does dad. Friday I (David) went on my first inaugural St. Paul Critical Mass. Sure, there have been other inaugural critical masses here, but this one looks like it will stick (at least for the summer).

On Saturday, Quinn attended her first Cinco de Mayo parade. She was a bit too young for it last year.

And here is a photo of Quinn's first guitar solo. This one actually happened some time ago, but I didn't have the chance to remove it from my phone until just recently.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Overdue notice

Fortunately there are no fines for long overdue blog entries.
Nevertheless, it does make some people give you the old "grumpy" face...

which, although might be better than the "yucky" face...

it isn't quite as good as the "yummy" face.

That's all for now. We promise our next update will come much sooner, and have far more literary content. More photos of Quinn's birthday and other activities from the last month can be seen on our photo album.

Can you say "all done"?
