Mee tongue turned orange
Friday I (Heather) reached another milestone... 7 months! Unfortunately with this event comes with it a glucose screening test for gestational diabetes. The test goes a little something like this: drink a really sweet pop in a really short period of time and wait an hour and get some blood taken out of your arm.
As we entered the clinic there was a very pregnant woman at the front desk ready to pop any minute. Upon hearing what I was there for, she warned me that the test is not fun and that if the test results show high glucose results that there is then a 3-hour follow-up test which sounded miserable.
The nurse gave me the option of orange or lemon-lime flavored drink. Citrus has proven to be torturous to my palate during my pregnancy so neither were to my liking. She suggested the orange claiming it tasted like Sunkist soda. She brought the bottle to me and told me I had 10 minutes to drink it down.
I would agree that it tasted like Sunkist except that it tasted like Sunkist concentrate. In other words it was so sweet I could hardly stomach it. I took all 10 minutes - down to the very last second - to down this concoction. David had his camera ready to document this event. An hour later, my blood was drawn and my results were normal. Thank goodness! I really didn't want to go through that again.
Despite all the sugar in the system, my energy level was put to shame on Friday evening when we attended little sister's dance troupe showcase. One would think that if the dancing didn't leave them completely winded that it would at least disable their screaming function, which they utilize whenever there is someone else performing, about to perform, or having just performed.
Sunday was a bit more laid back (and sugar free). We went to the Historical Society with mom (Nan) and Peter. We went there to learn more about our neighbors. The first stop was the Open House exhibit; the story of 470 Hopkins Street. Then we went to see Mee; a tell-all documentary about Mee Moua's run in the special primary. Unfortunately the movie probably won't be released on a larger scale until after this year's election.
And on that note, consider this your PSA for the precinct caucuses that are just around the corner. As always, we will continue to be advocating “Instant Runoff Voting” and urge you to do the same. Let us know if you would like some language for creating a resolution demanding Instant Runoff Voting.